Rudy Rabe and his wife, Eleanore,
arrived in India in February 1952,
beginning 34 years of fruitful ministry
there. Rudy served as field director for
OMS India and as principal and profes-
sor at two OMS-related seminaries. He
also joined evangelism teams and worked
with the Evangelical Church of India. Upon
their return to the U.S., Rudy served at OMS
World Headquarters and continued to minister
overseas for several years.
Bob Wood first felt an interest in missions
at age 12. But it wasn’t until 1974, after he had
a family and had served in several pastorates,
that he and his wife Gene joined OMS. He took
on the role of editor for OMS Outreach magazine
for several years, archived OMS materials, and
authored several books. After retirement, Bob
continued to volunteer many hours for OMS.
Howard Young and his wife, Jackie, began
serving with OMS in 1970. Howard served as the
national director of Men for Missions, visiting
and encouraging laymen across the United
States and Canada and leading countless MFM
teams to OMS fields around the world. Later,
Howard served as the OMS World Headquar-
ters director and spent four years leading an
OMS team in France.
Leona Zehr and her husband, Clyde,
set off to South Korea in 1965 and
served there faithfully for the next
16 years. Her art students at Seoul
Foreign School and the women in
her Korean Bible studies witnessed
a radiant life of one totally surren-
dered to Jesus. Leona was known
for her gentleness, approachability, and
keen listening skills and often shared divine
wisdom to encourage those she served.