teams to Colombia to pray with and help guide more than 2,000
people to receive Christ, with most being assimilated into various
worship groups and churches for discipleship. We cannot be sat-
isfied with only sending 800 short-term missionaries to minister in
18 countries. We must do more!
Men for Missions can never thank God enough for all that he has
allowed us to see and be a part of in the past several months.
More people have come to Christ than ever
before in our history; countless new
friendships have been made, new friends with
whom we need a translator to communicate;
and God has blessed in ways so indescribable
that it brings tears at the most inopportune
times when we try to describe what he has
done. Yet, we must do more.
In a holy moment of seeking the Lord about what’s
next, he led us to make the following commitment to
him. Each country and the men in leadership are believ-
ing God to lead us into 30 new countries in the next
5 years. We call this goal G-5-30.
The men of the cabinet set our Will you set your
phone alarms for 5:30 p.m. each alarms to pray
day as a prayer reminder to pray
with us?
and move forward into 30 new
Will you do whatever
God asks you to do?
Will you go wherever
God asks you to go?
Will you give whatever
God asks you to give?