Professors and
graduates of
“It has been important for me to have a more
in-depth knowledge of God so that at any moment I can
put into practice all that I have learned at the seminary.”
—Saul Sandoval
Because of this, several of our OMS Mexico ministries
also focus on training and equipping lay leaders, including our
church planting ministry, Satura Mexico, with the goal of saturating
targeted regions of Mexico with the Gospel message, and H ope 61, the human
trafficking prevention ministry of OMS. Both of these ministries work to equip not
only pastors but also lay leaders in order to give them the tools they need to ei-
ther plant new churches or reach out to the vulnerable in their communities. They
do this through practical training that gives those in attendance an understanding
of the need for them to be engaged in these ministries and the tools to do it. It
has been exciting to see how several lay leaders have done something they never
thought they would be able to do by opening their homes, inviting people over,
and leading a service.
Another OMS ministry that trains laity to be equipped to follow their God-given
burden and passion is MEFI, our ministry to individuals who live on the street.
Paty, the coordinator for this ministry, and her husband Alex, are lay leaders in
their local church. For more than 13 years, they have been shining examples of
what it means to be disciple-making disciples. They serve faithfully in their local
church, and they also pour their hearts into ministering to street people, one of the
most vulnerable people groups in Mexico City. Drawing upon their personal ex-
periences, the investment of others in their lives, and their studies at SEMBIMEX,
they are shining examples of how God is using lay leaders in Mexico to extend
the kingdom of God across the nation.