A Legacy of
in India
By Roger Kruse, Church Multiplication
Facilitator for India
Every time I go to India, it is an ad-
venture of faith. I always encounter an
unpredictable and chaotic element that
must be embraced and cannot be con-
trolled. My Western mindset, with its
propensity to seek organized and timely
happenings, is always challenged! Yet,
the people of India are rich in faith and
love. They are hospitable and generous,
and they are ready to believe and obey
the Word of God. This great nation of
1.3 billion people is diverse, with 2,554
people groups, of which 2,289 are con-
sidered unreached.
Nevertheless, the harvest is not only
plentiful, it is also ripe! In 2017 alone,
OMS’ Every Community for Christ min-
istry established more than 12,000 new
worshiping groups (house churches)
using the Train & Multiply strategy.
In November, I was privileged to see
God at work in 16 villages in 4 differ-
ent states. Wherever I go in India, I in-
evitably discover thrilling stories of lives
transformed by Jesus. I also meet faith-
filled, obedient-minded, visionary men
and women who are passionately mul-
tiplying house churches among villages
that previously had little or no access to
the Gospel.
I taught Lawrance John (pictured
above with blue shirt and glasses) at the
Madras Bible Seminary (MBS) in 1981–
82. Now, almost 38 years later, he has an
inspiring legacy of planting new churches
in the subcontinent. Before he was born,