Pastor Efrain attended our training in Iquitos. A quiet man, he did not
volunteer to participate and was not remarkable in any way. A few weeks
later, he returned to share his story.
Pastor Efrain was born in Pastaza, and he had not visited his
hometown for 20 years. But God called him to return and take the
Gospel to his people. Doing so required a 12-hour speed boat
ride, followed by a two-hour ride in a smaller
boat. When he arrived, he realized that
although churches existed there,
they were sleeping. He soon met
a man who needed healing, so
Efrain prayed for him, and
he was healed. This same
man brought Efrain to his
home village, where he
preached. Sixty people
received Christ that day.
Efrain is confident that
when he returns with
Train & Multiply, the re-
sults will be even greater.
The goal of this living stone
is to train believers to do
personal evangelism, disciple
new believers, and teach them
how to walk with God.
—Vicki Pasterik,
Church Multiplication Facilitator, Peru