And just as Jesus was rejected and de-
spised by those he came to save, so he
uses rejected and despised people as liv-
ing stones to build his temple.
This became abundantly clear to me at
a recent gathering in the Philippines. Every
Community for Christ leaders from 11 coun-
tries shared story after story of people who
were rejected, or at least overlooked, by
their peers, but who, when filled with God’s
Spirit, have become world changers.
A few stories shared:
• Deaf people in Colombia are making
disciples of Jesus in the deaf commu-
nity and beyond.
As a follower of Christ, you, too, are a
vital part of that temple. As an intercessor
or an evangelist, you are a co-laborer with
Christ, building up that spiritual house. As a
donor, you work with the Builder to fit living
stones together to create a beautiful temple
of praise to our God. Thank you!
This is the last time I will have the privi-
lege of addressing you as international
director of Every Community for Christ.
Mike Dragon assumed the international
director’s role on April 1. Over the last 13
years, I have been privileged to coordinate
church planting around the world. Millions
have given their lives to Christ through ECC
ministry in that time. Tens of thousands of
churches have been planted. To God alone
be all the praise! But also in those 13 years,
the Lord, who fits living stones into a temple
of praise, has been shaping me. And that,
too, is a miracle. He has done it by chip-
ping away rough places in my life and plac-
ing me next to stones not shaped like me.
He has given me greater compassion and a
bit more patience. And he has given me a
greater appreciation for the diversity of gifts
and gifted people in the body of Christ.
Enjoy these testimonies by region, which
highlight God’s work through ECC in 2017.
• In the Philippines and Colombia, chil-
dren are evangelizing and discipling
other children.
• Immigrants from various countries are
finding Christ in South Korea, Spain,
Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore
and then planting churches when they
return home.
• Oral learners are accessing the Gospel
through oral means on five continents.
• University students are forming small-
group churches on campuses around
the world.
Featuring Guest Speakers:
Pam Tebow • Ed Stetzer • Stan Key • Tim Swarens • OMS President Bob Fetherlin
Presented by One Mission Society
June 27-30
at Community Church of Greenwood // 1477 West Main St. Greenwood, IN 46142
Go to for more details and to
register for this dynamic missions conference!