A Friend to
Rachel Erny
Extended Missionary Service
A young Chinese woman once told me she had never been
in an American home, even though she had been living in the
U.S. for many years.
People just like her live all around us
today. In 2002, my husband Ed and I returned to the U.S. after nearly three decades of ministry in Asia. A couple of
years later, we started teaching English to
Chinese restaurant workers. With the help
of a Chinese Christian friend and fellow
OMS missionaries Sylvia (Knapp) Ellis and
Valetta (Steel) Crumley, who had been
colleagues with us during our years in Taiwan, we began teaching and had a large
class of nearly 30 students. Most had
never seen a Bible or heard of Jesus.
Many of those students never returned
to our class, but several kept coming. Four
from that original class became Christians