with her transition on the field. She’s
normally quite outgoing, but she was
struggling. When her mom talked with
her, the young MK replied, “I’m in the
middle of chaos!” I was so happy to
hear those words. She remembered what
she had learned in training more than a
year earlier and understood that what she
was experiencing was normal.
I’ll never forget when I took over the ministry
several years ago and was told by one MK that he
contemplated suicide as a teen-
ager because he felt he was in the way of his parents’
ministry, that he didn’t belong. My heart sank.
After hearing his story and others of confusion
and frustration, I decided that a big part of my
ministry would be to encourage these kids.
God has a purpose for their lives. It’s not just
mom and dad who are in ministry, but God
has the kids in missions for a
Periodically through the year, I
send small gifts and cards with per-
sonal notes to let our MKs know
they are thought about and loved.
We are so glad they’re part of the
OMS family, and we want each one
to know and understand that!
photos page 4, top: Kenley Williams, Colombia MK middle: Camden
Love,Caleb Gross, Alanna Bundy, Jake Bundy, Hannah Gross, and Kristina
Bundy, Haiti MKs bottom: Laura Almeida, Mozambique MK photos
page 5, top: Elena Orellana, Ecuador MK middle: Philip, Andrew, and
Alex Marshall, Ukraine MKs bottom: Samara and Noelle Routon, Brazil MKs
MK Scholarship Fund
Over the years, many people have encouraged and provided for our MKs,
and we’re so thankful. One gift came in the mid-1970s when Mr. Crews, a
concerned constituent from Kansas, spoke with two OMS leaders, Harry
Burr and Warren Hardig. Mr. Crews wanted to know if parents of MKs
were able to help their kids with college education on their missionary
salaries. Out of that casual conversation, the Dr. Cora Crews Scholarship
was established to fund the OMS MK College Scholarship Fund.
Today, 10–15 college scholarships are awarded each year to OMS USA
MKs. All MKs who apply receive a scholarship. However, the scholarships
are relatively small in light of the soaring costs of continuing education.
We would love to see the fund grow. Will you help our MKs by giving to
the scholarship fund? You can give online here. For more information, email
Deanna at [email protected], or call her at 317.888.3333, ext. 309.