Spending God ’ s Money His Way
By Robin MacKinnon , Special Assignment Missionary , One Mission Society
As 2013 approached , I was challenged to identify a oneword focus for the year — a word that would propel me closer to Jesus and motivate me to embrace His calling on my life .
As I sought the Lord ’ s direction for the word , I thought of many that I could excitedly embrace — words like extraordinary , adventure and calling each captivated me as I envisioned what a year focused on that word might look like . Each time I presented an idea to the Lord in prayer , I felt Him moving me in a different direction . Then , the Lord brought a word before me — the one word that would drive and shape my goals and focus for 2013 … stewardship .
Initially , I struggled to welcome this word , so often pegged as dry and heavy , rules-laden and burdensome . Yet , as I sought the Lord , I became increasingly excited as my eyes opened to the beauty , freedom and great joy that comes from a solid understanding of what biblical stewardship is .
We don ’ t have to open the pages of the Bible very far to take in our first lesson on biblical stewardship . It is found so