Exceedingly Abundantly
Stories abound in the world of One Mission Society of how God has miraculously provided . These stories build our faith and help us see how God has faithfully provided for OMS for the past 112 years . Here are just two of the most renowned and ofttold stories . ( This first one can be found in Robert D . Wood ’ s book , In These Mortal Hands : The Story of The Oriental Missionary Society — The First 50 Years .)
In June 1944 , just a year after the first OMS missionaries set foot in Colombia ( OMS ’ first trek into South America ), OMS missionaries Bud Kilbourne and Harry Woods visited this nation , which had been plagued by civil unrest for decades . OMS President Lettie Cowman sent the men to “ set a firm foundation under the wobbly beginnings there .” Within days , one of the most remarkable answers to prayer in OMS history took place .
The two leaders felt the Mission should have its own property for the Bible institute that had been started . For many days , the men searched and searched , with OMS Colombia missionary Ben Pearson leading the way , but to no avail .
One morning , Harry Woods preached to a few students . His message was a challenge that “ the Holy Spirit today has the same ministry Jesus did , that He leads His people just as surely and faithfully .”
The next day , after another long day of searching for the perfect site , with no success , Bud Kilbourne challenged Mr . Woods , saying , “ Do you really believe what you preached yesterday ?” Then , in faith , he asked the Lord to lead them to the site He had for them .
They got on their knees and began to pray . Within 30 minutes , a realtor showed up , saying he thought he had the perfect site for them — on the side of the city that they had not considered . The owner wanted