OMS Outreach January-March 2015 | Page 6

The magnitude of this challenge is so great, most believers just shrug their shoulders and say, “There is really very little I can do to meet a challenge that is so big.” But in One Mission Society, we look at things differently. We are inspired by the same vision that the apostle John recorded in Revelation 7:9. many gifts to the partnership. Many of our Every Community for Christ (ECC) partners around the world have been so effective in their church multiplication efforts that leaders of other churches are calling on them, asking, “Can you train our people to do what you have done to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches in your denomination?” When an OMS Every Community for Christ partner says, “Yes,” in response to that question, a value-adding network is born. So far, at least nine partners, (four in Latin America, one in Europe and four in Asia) have started value-adding networks. One Mission Society’s ECC partners are doing for others what ECC has done for them. This means our partners are: After this I looked, and behold a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb … John had a vision of a reality that has not yet been accomplished. But because of what John saw and described to us, we know that one day people from every nation, tribe, people, and language will be before the throne of God. And it won’t be just a few; there will be a great multitude. In OMS, we understand that every follower of Christ is to be his ambassador. God wants to make his appeal to the nations through each one of us. One of the ways that OMS has chosen to empower believers is through the development of value-adding networks (VANs) or coalitions of like-minded partners that bring 6 Characteristics of a Value-Adding Network (VAN) What is OMS’ role in all of this? We want to do all we can to encourage the growth of value-adding networks. We are delighted when our partners pray with, encourage, train, and coach people, teaching them how to obey Jesus and make disciples. In this way, our efforts are multiplied, and together, we make significant headway into truly fulfilling the Great Commission in our generation. VANs are led by a trusted, well-liked top leader. These leaders and their people: • Are willing and able to share what they have experienced in church multiplication beyond their own denominational boundaries. • Are being asked by others to help them multiply disciples, leaders, and churches. • Empower both men and women for church planting. • Have asked OMS to help them help their partners with church multiplication. Some VANs are large, relating to tens of thousands of worshiping groups. Some VANs are small with only a few dozen churches. Some VANS start with a national church denomination, and some start with a pro-church organization that is passionate about church planting. • Praying for their new partners. • Encouraging them to act in faith and love to help fulfill the Great Commission. • Training them with practical tools like Train & Multiply. • Coaching them as they work to equip Christians to start new cell groups and chu