OMS Outreach January-March 2015 | Page 26

By Esther Fetherlin, Assistant to the President, One Mission Society Everything I do, whether in word or deed, can be leveraged either by my precious Lord or by the enemy of my soul. Nothing happens in a vacuum, devoid of consequences for good or for evil. I love pondering the possibilities of my obedience when in the hands of the Lord. (And conversely, Satan enjoys opportunities to distract me to disobedience so that he can leverage the situation.) As I consider the positive and powerful ripple effects of my life, it’s an awesome thought when I know I’m living in obedience. I love metaphors, and the image of an “obedience pebble” being dropped into my “life pond,” creating ripples that will go on into eternity thrills me. It also amazes me to watch what the Lord can do to multiply his purposes when I place those pebbles into his hands. A number of years ago, I witnessed a picture of God’s leveraging power and a beautiful ripple effect of my obedience. A godly girlfriend invited me to join her in a long and high-commitment women’s study. I hesitated but sensed God’s nudging me to be involved. I obeyed that nudging of the Spirit and did the study. I shared what I’d learned with another friend and then, together, we taught it to a group of women around my kitchen table. Women from that study then taught it to others. I told my sister-in-law, who lived in another state, about the study, and she also did the study. Her obedience resulted in teaching it to a group of pastors’ wives whose lives have also been incredibly impacted in their homes and ministries. I will never know how far God will continue to spread the ripples of my obedient commitment long ago, but I know I obeyed. Obedience ripples begin each day as I study his Word and wait quietly before him. As I encourage my husband’s heart (OMS President Bob Fetherlin), he’s able to be at his best, living out God’s calling on his life. And thus, yet another ripple is spread as God makes our marriage one of our greatest evangelistic tools when the world observes our lives together. My heart’s cry is that kingdom ripples continue to flow through the lives of our children and their children as they add pebbles of obedience in their lives. Funding OMS Candidates/Missionaries Here are a few of our missionaries that need additional funding. For a complete list, please contact Paul Cox at [email protected], or call 317.888.3333, ext. 317. Steve and Renee Christner – USA – Missionary Care Steve and Renee will serve at the One Mission Society World Headquar FW'2