OMS Outreach January-March 2015 | Page 20

1x1= Multitudes! We hear stories like David’s over and over again as we equip leaders to coach well. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of training coaches in the U.S., Canada, South America, the Caribbean, and Africa. I have heard comments like these from leaders I’ve trained: “This makes everything we do more effective.” By Dr. Tim Roehl, Director of Training & Development, One Mission Society —Sergei, pastor from Ecuador Suddenly his eyes lit up. “Coaching! I love coaching! Dean coached me and trained me to coach. I coached all my pastors and trained them to coach all the pastors they are raising up.” With big smiles on our faces, we hugged each other like two longtime friends. I had never met David (pronounced Dah-veed) before hearing him at one of our OMS training events. David, an Ecuadorian OMSer, now serves in Spain as a missionary to reach people for Jesus and plant new churches. Using the training that OMS equipped him with, David has seen more than 40 new churches begin in just seven years. Speaking through a translator on a break, I asked him if I could give him a copy of my TransforMissional Coaching book. That’s when his eyes lit up and he told me his story of using coaching skills to multiply himself by empowering others. When he mentioned that Dean (Dean Davis, executive director of OMS’ Every Community for Christ ministry, our church multiplication specialists) had coached him and trained him to coach, my eyes lit up. I had trained Dean to coach! Here before me was a leader I’d never met, working in a nation I’ve not been to, describing four generations of empowering leaders through coaching! David recently told me that they now have more than 60 churches in his network, and they are expanding to more nations. I’m thrilled when I hear stories like David’s … such is the multiplying power of good coaching skills. 20 “A movement began as you coached our leader under that tree.” —Mozambican pastor “You cast a long shadow over everything we do in India.” —Roger, an OMS church multiplication facilitator for leaders in India Coaching skills allow us to come alongside and empower anyone, anywhere, anytime, about anything. Good coaching involves listening to where God is working in a person’s life and then asking great questions that help them identify a goal they want to accomplish, clarifying their current reality, generating options, and deciding their action steps to move forward. Research has found that ongoing coaching improves the applica [ۈو