By Jason Campbell,
One Mission Kids Coordinator
Each summer, my wife Lora and I travel for the One
Mission Kids (OMK) ministry to camps and churches
around the United States, testing our newest mission-focused materials for children. The rest of the
tagline (One Lord, One Life, One Calling)
and the story of Gideon, provided the
framework for our five teaching points.
Our first lesson, taken from James
4:14b, reminded us that none of us are
guaranteed a long life. Each of us must
use our One Life to do God’s Work. We
saw the importance of God’s timing
demonstrated at camp in the life of a girl
named Jordan. Lora had built a friendship
with Jordan over several days, and two
days before camp ended, she accepted
Jesus during the missions morning session. When we looked for her after lunch,
year, we create those new materials to
help grow missionary hearts, which drives
everything we do as a ministry.
These resources help churches, schools,
and families teach world missions to the
next generation. Our deep desire is to
encourage kids to reach their maximum
missions potential by learning about,
praying for, and giving to missions, as well
as making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our most recent program, Illumin8, encourages kids to let their lives shine for
Jesus because “It’s W.A.T.T. We Do!” That
simple phrase, combined with the OMS