OMS Outreach Jan - Apr 2016 | Page 2
Behind the Scenes
January-April 2016
But Then … God!
I tend to be a rule follower.
I’m not much of a visionary, but
rather, view the world simply and
There are a few exceptions
to this, of course. One example
was when many expert physicians pressured us to abort our
son Caleb. As a diabetic in my
late 30s at the time, I was considered a high-risk
pregnancy. They assured us that he had Down syndrome. Then, triple tests confirmed he had spina
bifida. None of these “problems” swayed us because, either way, we knew God was in control.
Today, our 15-year-old son is a miracle beyond
words. He’s an honors student, an athlete, a follower of Jesus, and an absolute joy in our lives.
There have been other occasions when I haven’t
done what was logical or expected. The most recent
was when I heard about the OMS One Opportunity
Vision for the first time. Logically, there was no way
a little mission organization like OMS could share
the Gospel with 1 billion people in the next 10 years.
It just wasn’t practical!
But then … God! Today, I am beyond excited to
be a part of this worldwide, strategic, God-centered
plan. We pray that after you read this issue of OMS
Outreach magazine, you, too, will be ready to be a
part of fulfilling the vision through prayer.
Editor, OMS Outreach
[email protected]
If you would like to read some of the FAQs (frequently
asked questions) and answers about the One Opportunity
Vision, you can go to:
Visit our website at
Volume 116, No. 1
OMS Outreach equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus
Christ through informative, inspiring, and involvement-driven
articles, which leads to deeper mission participation by serving,
giving, and praying.
Office of the President
Editor and Director of Communications
Susan Griswold Loobie
Associate Editor
Lori McFall
Senior Graphic Designer
W. Foster Pilcher
Bob Fetherlin
Executive Director of International Ministries
Bob Fetherlin and team—interim
Affiliate Countries
Australia—Ian Bongers
Canada—Mark Kroes
New Zealand—Owen and Avalon Brown
South Africa—Bruce Bennett
United Kingdom—Walter McCorkell
United States—Rich Danzeisen
One Mission Society
World Headquarters
941 Fry Road • Greenwood, IN 46142-6599
317.888.3333 • 317.888.5275 FAX
[email protected]
Cover collage: W. Foster Pilcher
All photos courtesy of missionaries, volunteers,
and partner churches of One Mission Society
unless otherwise noted.
By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires, and
equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.
One Mission Society is an evangelical, interdenominational
faith mission that makes disciples of Jesus Christ through
intentional evangelism, planting churches, forming strategic
partnerships, and training national leaders in Africa, Asia,
the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.
OMS then joins with those churches in global partnerships
to reach the rest of the world.
Subscriptions and Contributions: OMS Outreach is
the official publication of One Mission Society and
is published three times per year at the One Mission
Society World Headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana.
Please send all address updates or preference to receive
the magazine online (email address needed) rather than
hard copy to: [email protected]. Outreach
is sent free of charge to all OMS partners, but donations are greatly appreciated to offset the increasing
costs of printing and postage. Gifts may be sent to:
OMS Outreach • PO Box A • Greenwood, Indiana
46142-6599, project #905420.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations
are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®
(ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing
ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2016 One Mission Society.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
A Holy Expectation
Rooted in Prayer
We have a bold, faith-filled vision at One Mission Society. Over the next decade, we are asking God to enable us to give 1 billion people one opportunity to
hear, understand, and believe the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In learning of this, some think, “Impossible!” Honestly, it feels overwhelming
and appears to be completely unrealistic at times. We admit that this vision is
way beyond us. But it’s from God, for his glory, and we recognize that it can only
be accomplished with his enabling.
Something similar has been accomplished in our 115-year OMS history. God
gave a vision to our cofounder Charles Cowman to train and equip the sons and
daughters of a nation to reach their own people. This was exemplified in OMS’
God-sized vision in the early 1900s with the Great Village Campaign in Japan.
During this six-year campaign, OMS reached out to every home in Japan with
the Word of God, and thousands made decisions for Christ.
Prayer is our first and primary work in seeking to fulfill this vision. We call
out to God, expre