OMS Outreach Jan - Apr 2016 | Page 14

SOUTH KOREA In South Korea, most churches have daily dawn prayer meetings around 5:00 a.m. During this time, they hold a short worship service, and then people remain to pray individually. Churches also have Friday night prayer meetings that go late into the night. A common prayer methodology in Korea is “Tongsung prayer,” in which people all pray out loud at the same time. Lisa Hwang of the OMS Korea office says, “Prayer is a key to open the gates of heaven. We can meet our heavenly Father through prayer, so we pray eagerly, spending more time to pray (dawn prayer every morning, Wednesday prayer meeting, and Friday night prayer meeting). Prayer is an expression to talk with God concerning our life and needs.” —Susan Truitt, OMS Korea Field Director UNITED STATES At the OMS World Headquarters, we have regular times of prayer, like our monthly half day of prayer on the first Wednesday of each month and every Monday morning when each department prays together for about an hour for both ministry and personal requests. We enjoy chapels every Tuesday and Thursday in which we are encouraged from the Word or hear reports of God’s goodness around the world. We also have several groups that meet at different times during the week to pray for a specific country, ministry, or need. For example, one concerned group meets every Friday at noon to pray for our missionaries with special funding needs. Our Men for Missions team leads a prayer time every Monday at noon for Ecuador, every Tuesday at noon for Haiti, every Wednesday at 11 for the Caribbean and at noon for Mozambique, every Thursday at noon for Japan, and every Friday at noon for Colombia. MFM also has prayer champions for Ecuador, Haiti, Japan, Mozambique, Spain, the Caribbean, Uruguay, Israel, Mexico, South Asia, Colombia, and Uruguay, who also lead prayer times for their country at various times and locations throughout the week. —Shirley Carlson, Director of World Intercessors, One Mission Society “Everything vital in missionary work, whether at home or abroad, hinges upon prayer.” —Lettie B. Cowman 14 Prayer Results on Our Fields Richard McLeish Extented Missionary Service Ever since One Mission Society Preside nt Bob Fetherlin unveiled the One Opportunity Vision, I have been wondering, “How does that happen, and where are the 1 billion people?” But before we can consider the how and the where, we need to fully commit to the who. As Bob shares more information each week, I have been reflecting over the last 10 years of the Men for Missions prayer initiative. When Operation Saturation started in Haiti in 2000, the goal was to distribute 250,000 fixed-tuned solar-powered radios. We didn’t reach that goal, but because we saturated the country in prayer, we saw God draw many people to Jesus, and that has continued in the years since. When we started doing prayer walks in Spain in 2005, OMS missionaries had labored for more than 25 years, with limited results. But since then, we have seen an explosion of church growth with many decisions for Christ and in ways we would have never anticipated. When we started to focus prayer on Uruguay, our OMS missionaries were new in the country and had become discouraged. But through concerted prayer, they are now thriving, and many people are finding the hope that only Jesus can bring. The dramatic growth of the church in the Caribbean has come as the result of years of prayer seeds being sown in the midst of persecution. All of these results came through faithful prayer warriors not telling God how and where to work, but by faithfully proclaiming his name over these nations and people and asking for his kingdom to come and his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. What a privilege to lift up the name of Jesus over nations and watch God work in his way. After all, it is his work and not ours, his vision and not ours. He knows best how and where to bring that about; we need to walk so closely with him that we hear clearly his direction in which to go. He has a plan. It may not look like what we envision, but it will be the best result. We must move forward on our knees, singing the name of Jesus over the nations. 15 One Mission Society photo, above: A Haitian man receives a solar-powered radio. below: Prayer champions pray for Spain.