For more than five decades in Colombia and
Florence’s selfless compassion enon other mission fields, Florence Cavender’s deared her to the nationals. They loyally
life was a steady, heart-warming reflection of participated in her choirs and church draJesus Christ. You can distinguish a cold, mir- mas. Whether pastoring in the Magdalena
rored image from its origin by the sparkle of city of Puerto Berrio during the perilous
authenticity. Few Christians have been so years of La Violencia, leading outreaches
appropriately fitted to be able to tackle such in sweltering river towns, or accompanydiverse responsibilities as Florence. Thirty- ing Men for Missions groups to the cold
two years of molding in God’s hands, along Andean cities, this gracious lady excelled.
with ample college preparation and her innate Aside from the full agenda of life as God’s
attention to detail and order, qualified her as witness wherever she went, Florence, with
a professor and dean of women at OMS’ characteristic enthusiasm, took on frequent
Biblical Seminary of Colombia, as well as at translation assignments, including devothe “river country” Bible Institute in Colombia. tionals in Spanish, and used her camera to
In evangelism, her vacation Bible school good advantage. A colleague once said, “I
programs and accordion playing helped at- don’t know how Florence keeps going; she
tract hearts everywhere to the Gospel. Her must get only five or less hours of sleep
love and perseverance impacted whole each night!” Missionaries and Colombian
communities, including civic leadbelievers alike were stirred by her
ers. She gave years of resolute
devotion to Christ and were
dedication to a tribe of indiinspired by her blend of
ans living in the treachergenuine cordiality and
ous bog lands bordering
quiet proficiency.
Panama, 300 torturous
In her later years,
miles from Medellín,
Florence voluteered
resulting in the Kuna
for short periods in
people hearing the
Taiwan, in Bonaire
Good News. Among
(Caribbean) at Trans
the converts were
four boys in their early
Mexico, and, in 1999,
teens who asked: “Seat World Missionary
ñorita, what must I do to
Press in Indiana. Now,
enroll in this religion?” Two
a decade after her vision
of them later became pasof reaching the unreached
tors. Her work in that tribe led to
came to a close, we are being
the first Wycliffe Bible Translators New
challenged again to live so that we,
Testament in their native language.
too, will hear the master of the harvest say,
Back home, administrators and leaders “I know you are enduring patiently and bearcounted on Florence’s competence and ing up for my name’s sake, and you have not
understanding in their committee meetings grown weary. I know your works, your love
and their churches. Her consistent example and faith and service and patient endurance,
of discipline, forbearance, and commitment and that your latter works exceed the first.
brought import to the mundane. A calm, Well done, good and faithful servant … Enter
perceptive team member can, even unas- into the joy of your master” (Revelation 2:3,
sumingly, spread confidence and harmony 19 and Matthew 25:21).
throughout the corporate body. Florence
was that modest constituent; she lightened photo page 20: Florence Cavender, circa 1970s in
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