“The Europe that is declining in population is a Europe more
rational than Europe has ever been, more scientific, less religious, less pious, more mundane, wealthier, more consumerist, more universally close to living etsi Deus non daretur (as if
God does not exist).” — Michael Novak
Michael Novak’s assessment of the
“European Crisis” is daunting. The once
influential Christian value system is on the
decline. As Europe becomes more rational,
secularism replaces the once predominant
impact of Christianity. Europe’s dechristianization reflects the attitude “as if God does
not exist.” People have turned away from
the triune God. The mainline denominations (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox,
and many Protestant groups) are reporting
fewer numbers. The new religions of “oldstock” Europeans include political (EU),
economic (CE), and military (NATO) manma