OMS Global Impact Report Global Impact Report 2018-19 | Page 5

One Mission Society unites, inspires, and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world. Engaging the One Reaching Every One Equipping Many We strive to engage the One in all we think, say, and do. Prayer is intricately woven into the DNA of OMS. From a powerful con- version in Africa to a simple meeting at the OMS World Headquarters, you will experience the faithful, heart-felt prayers of God’s people. We long to reach everyone with the re- demptive message of Jesus Christ. Since the beginning, OMS has strategically and effectively saturated whole communities and nations with the Gospel, but we know reaching the nations starts by sharing the Good News with one person. Our goal is that everyone we meet encounters the transforming love of Jesus Christ. We endeavor to equip each one who fol- lows Christ to become a disciple-maker. Our goal is not to just share the Gospel but to equip each new Christ follower to make more reproducing followers of Christ, causing an exponential multipli- cation of disciples. We believe each one can reach many more, and one life can impact the world. 1950 Every Creature Crusade begins (now Every Community for Christ) 1954 Men for Missions International begins 1965 OMS World Headquarters moves to Greenwood, Indiana, from California 1973 Oriental Missionary Society becomes OMS International 1990 OMS begins partnership with Mercy, Inc. 2001 OMS International celebrates 100 years of ministry Our Story 5