OMS Global Impact Report Global Impact Report 2018-19 | Page 21
God has a way of connecting people who otherwise would
never meet. In May of 2017, a H ope 61 trainer facilitat-
ed a training in Arkansas. One of the invited churches
had an ongoing relationship with a Mongolian woman
who worked with women on the streets of Mongolia.
The woman, Belgee, and her husband Khentii “just
happened” to be visiting this church in Arkansas at
the time of the training.
Men for Missions
Through Men for Missions, thousands of men and their families, from var-
ious church affiliations and backgrounds, participate in short-term minis-
try teams, including work, vision, evangelism, prayer, and medical teams.
A few years ago, Mark Colie took his first OMS short-term mission trip to Haiti with
a team from his church in West Virginia. While there, the team made a 3 ½-hour
trek on foot to a mountaintop where there was no church. Pastor Job, a graduate of
Emmaus University of Haiti, felt called to start a church there. Mark and the team wit-
nessed to six Haitian men involved in cock fighting, in which a voodoo talisman was
prominently displayed on a pole next to the circle. When asked, the men continually
repeated that they couldn’t accept Jesus because there was no church on the moun-
taintop and the nearest church was more than three hours away.
Mark felt led to share how his home church didn’t have a building for a time either, but
they met in homes until God opened doors to have a church building. After a time of
sharing, one of the Haitian men said the men could meet at his house. All six of them
accepted Christ right then. Mark was floored how God used him, “an old hippie Jew from
New Jersey” to be a part of his master plan.
Today, this church is growing and thriving, making disciples daily.
In 2018, 85 Men for Missions short-term teams ministered in 21 countries, with
665 people participating to do, go, or give whatever God asks.
The couple’s hearts were burdened because no
church in their hometown would allow the girls from the
streets in their worship services. The pastors feared that
dirty and marginalized people would bring shame to the church.
Yet, these women desperately wanted to know more about Jesus. As the couple participated
in the H ope 61 training, they heard that human trafficking can be prevented when people use
the gifts and talents that God has given them to reach out to vulnerable people and help
them reduce whatever is causing their vulnerability. The involvement of a good community
is also key. At the end of the training, Khentii felt called to start his own church for these
women in Mongolia. When they returned home, Khentii left the leather business and planted
a church.
Today, more than 25 people attend regularly and are involved in discipleship training through-
out the week. Khentii sees firsthand that when people use the gifts and talents God has
equipped them with, amazing things can happen! In October 2018, a H ope 61 team traveled
to Mongolia to facilitate the first E ngage training and will return in October 2019 to facilitate
a M ultiply training in which 5-10 Mongolian nationals will be trained to take the ministry of
H ope 61 across Mongolia.
In 2018, more than 2,000 people were trained, and to date dozens of H ope 61 trainers have
been equipped to train others.
A ministry of One Mission Society, H ope 61seeks to prevent human trafficking around the world by equipping the local
church. By learning about human trafficking; understanding the causes of vulnerability to becoming involved in human traf-
ficking; and considering how the church’s existing gifts, talents, and resources can be used to reduce those vulnerabilities,
churches can be equipped to have a significant impact in preventing this atrocity from happening in their communities.
Ministries of One Mission Society 21