OMS Global Impact Report 2022-2023 | Page 5

7,000 Bibles distributed 22,524 churches / worshiping groups meeting 158,523 decisions for Christ 48,646 baptisms
Willing To Die
“ My vision is to see 200 people come to know Jesus in 2023 ,” Farah * said . Our Asia / Pacific regional directors had met her at a covert meeting of about 20 fellow underground church leaders in her country .
Farah came to know Christ five years ago . Despite great persecution in her country , she actively shares her faith with her community and leads more than 20 small house churches of 5 – 6 believers each .
In December 2022 , Farah ’ s husband accepted Christ , experienced God ’ s physical healing power , and started boldly sharing his newfound faith . In January 2023 , he left the house to share his faith and never came home . Three days later , he was found , martyred , with his tongue cut out .
Naturally , Farah was devastated . Yet , despite her sorrow and fear , she perseveres with her God-sized vision of reaching 200 people this year with the peace and love that only Jesus can bring .
* Name changed for security purposes . 5