OMS Global Impact Report 2020-2021 | Page 11

One Mission Kids

One Mission Kids ( OMK ) equips , empowers , and encourages the next generation of missionary-hearted leaders ( ages 4 – 14 ) to grow and then Go Out And Tell ( GOAT ) people about Jesus . By creating innovative , mission-focused content and giving specialized strategic support to families and leaders , OMK helps OMS invest in the future of missions here , there , and everywhere .
In 2020 , OMK :
• Released the OMS 10-day virtual missions adventure Makin ’ Trax With MAX !, reaching kids in at least 9 countries .
• Published Missions to the MAX adventure kits , featuring 10 countries through a series of travel guides and an interactive digital flipbook .
• Produced a full-length , interactive , mission-focused Gospel presentation for kids ( and kids at heart ).
• Aired nine children ’ s Whatchamacalit audio dramas .
• Established a strong social media presence , reaching kids around the world .
• Provided support to families and leaders through developing and hosting Creative Community Connections events .
• Participated in both in-person and virtual ministry events .
• Strengthened partnerships with Billion . Global ministries , Child Evangelism Fellowship , and e3 Partners .
Testimony of Caleb
Caleb and his family serve as missionaries in Mexico . A friend told them about the OMK 10- day virtual missions adventure . Caleb ’ s parents prayed that God would use the OMK program to help Caleb understand that God has a special purpose for his living in Mexico and that it wasn ’ t just his mom and dad ’ s calling . Through the Makin ’ Trax With MAX ! program , God challenged Caleb to have a heart for the world and to see his part in missions . His parents knew that God was working when Caleb asked for OMS Japan missionary Lindsay Ohler ’ s contact information . After learning about her sports ministry , Caleb wanted to write her and send her some of his own money to support her !

Dynamic Women in Missions

Dynamic Women in Missions ( DWIM ) embraces the opportunities and challenges of spreading the Gospel throughout the world . By offering leadership trainings , conferences , and medical clinics , DWIM restores hope and dignity to empower women for family and community leadership that has a global impact . As women are transformed , they understand their value in Christ and are energized to become active participants in the Great Commission .
DWIM began 2020 with teams from the U . S . in India , Kenya , and Ivory Coast . Then the world as we knew it changed . What could be done without DWIM teams being able to travel ? DWIM trusted the Lord to raise up previously trained DWIM leaders to train their own women , and the Lord did so in amazing ways ! The U . S . DWIM leadership team adjusted and prepared the material to be presented virtually . DWIM trainers in Ukraine , Uganda , and the Democratic Republic of Congo continued the training in their own countries with positive results . DWIM thanks the Lord for providing other ways in which to train women to reach their communities with the Gospel .
Total trained in 2020 – 1,120 people in 7 countries
Ukraine 8 • India 483 • Rwanda 383 Ivory Coast / Kenya 31 • DRC 97 • Uganda 118