OmniEngine review-(MEGA) $23,500 bonus of OmniEngine OmniEngine review-SECRETS of OmniEngine and $16800 | Page 8
Early Bird Bonus #10: WP Engage+ (WHITELABEL Rights)
A tremendously powerful and deadly-effective WP Plugin... Discover exactly what your
visitors are thinking about your blog, products or services and use that information to
your advantage!
Seven jaw-dropping and professional designs that you can choose from.
Add audio background into your poll/surveys and instantly capture the attention
of your visitors!
Easily redirect your visitors after each poll to any page you want
Cool and engaging widget effects: in order to increase the engagement of your
visitors, you can control the appearance of the survey widget.
Each survey or poll can be embedded on sidebars, in posts, and even on pages
(again, you have complete freedom to choose where your polls are going to be.)
VERY easy to install and to use
Early bird Bonus #11: WP Image Plus (WHITELABEL Rights)
Easily tap into more than 1,000,000 copyright-free, high-quality images straight from
the admin area of your WordPress blog
With just a few clicks of your mouse, you can select, edit, and publish exceptional
images that are copyright-free.
Effortlessly edit the pictures in hundreds of different ways in order to suit your
needs. You can crop, resize, and even insert any text you want!
Choose between 26 creative filters (from "vintage" or "grungy" to "emboss" or
"radiant blur.") You have SO many options to choose from that you'll always
come up with winning combination each and every time!
It's easy to install and use (in fact, it doesn't matter if you never touched WP
before, it's SO easy to use that you'll laugh!
All in all, I hope that all of the information in my OmniEngine can assist you in
gaining more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise
decision. However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch
with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my OmniEngine review.
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