OMHDDU 2 IV Newsletter Ogranka mladih, srpanj 2015. | Page 14

What are the biggest differences you have noticed between American and European actors/artists? A sense of history. Other than that, there are more similarities than you might expect. Also, European actors tend to be in better physical shape and are better movers, more comfortable in their own skin. American actors tend to be very open and honest in their work, at less with actors outside of New York City. NYC is its own beast. Do you have any plans in developing your own acting system and/or creating “The Narcissist 2, 3 etc. It struck me recently that I could, but honestly, I am using systems that already exist, just a different combination of them. So, it feels dishonest to take credit. The things I added that are my own aren’t distinctive enough, in my opinion, to justify a new system. But as I develop the workshop, or even turn it into an actual performance, I will keep track of what appears and continually improve it. Right now, it’s too soon to tell. You are also a published writer. Would you like to write “The Narcissist: actors manual”? This relates to the question above, so I have a similar answer. At this stage it would be laughably egomaniacal for me to presume that I could write a book to educate