OMG Digital Magazine OMG Issue 299 8th March 2017 | Page 4

OMG Digital Magazine | 299 | Thursday 8 March 2018 • PAGE 4 Hotty O’Neil Durell Whyte 26 - Antigua February 25th - Pisces Three things you like about yourself and why? I like that I’m very ambitious and hard working.  I come from very humble beginnings my parents instilled in me at an early age that hard work pays off. I absolutely love my height. Who wouldn’t want to be a 6’7 with dreadlocks, living in these paradise islands? And of course, I love my dreds. Your OMG Moment? My latest OMG moment was actually being suggested by Richard to be in this magazine. I’m still in shock I’ve only ever dreamed of this experience. Photo by:  Rashid Walker @Antigua Mod