OMG Digital Magazine OMG Issue 260 25th May 2017 | Page 4

OMG Digital Magazine | 260 | Thursday 25th May 2017 • PAGE 4 Hotty Christopher DeCaires-Glenn 23 - San Fernando April 4th - Aries Three things you like about yourself and why? I like that I am a very diverse person. I’m not just a model and a gym freak, I’m actually into art. Digital art. I specialize in graphics. I like that I’m pretty straight forward. What you see is what you get. I don’t like to pretend to be anything that I’m not. If people don’t like me, well that’s alright. Physically I like my eyes and my smile. I get complemented on them a lot. Your OMG Moment ? My OMG moment was getting contacted by Sejoux to walk in his fashion show. I’ve never done modeling before that. So it really was great that someone else saw that potential in me. PHOTOGRAPHER Stephen Doobal