I started this magazine according to my own interest in meditation, yoga and alternative healing. All
the articles that I’ve gathered to this issue, tell about those topics. Over the years I’ve learned the
importance to look after myself in all areas of my life. It includes regular exercising, meditating,
eating healthy vegetarian food, excluding all harmful and toxic substances and keeping constant eye
on my health. I believe that anyone can accomplish amazing things if they believe in it themselves.
People need to have goals in their lives that encourage them to strive towards a better standard of
This first issue of Om Mani Magazine contains advices on yoga, includes stories about spiritual
teachers, introduces spiritual music and tells about special psychic kids. I must emphasize that this
magazine isn’t only targeted to Buddhists. Anyone, who feels drawn towards the content of my
magazine, is the right audience to read it. However, the readers, who possess an open mind will
understand the content of this magazine faster than those who don’t. Doing yoga practices regularly
also expands our state of consciousness and enhances our breathing skills. Learning how to breathe
properly during meditations is the key to relaxing and reaching higher states of consciousness.
People are prone to get excited about spiritual topics. Many of us seek the help from religious
teachers, whom we discover. Meeting a guru is always a special event. Every situation that we
encounter along our path, has a meaning. I thought of it while I was composing this magazine. I
hoped to create a magazine, which would help people to discover more meaningful lifestyle.
Nowadays people are still tricked to believe that we are capable of doing anything simply by losing
control of former lives. We don’t need to give up on anything healthy that we love. My dream is that