Olympus: the mountain of Gods and Muses | Page 2

The unknown Greece - mini travel guides Hephaestus in the canyons of the mountain as described by Homer in Iliad rapsody eleven: “Τhe gods in peace their golden mansions fill Ranged in bright order on the Olympian hill”. this is a place for eagles not people”, that was his first answer, but later Kakalos became the first official “Olympus tour guide”. Frederic Boissonnas when describing his second attempt to climb Olympus in 1919 mentions the fear of local carriers “In 1919, on our second ascend we didn't have Kakalos with us and we had to climb the slopes and the highest peak without the help of a single carrier. They denied to follow us...Trembling with anxiety remained kneeling parying in virgin Mary, during our climb to the steep slopes...That was, at the time, the approach and mentality of the Greek people towards climbing”. Under these tough circumstances the following explorers tried but did not manage to “conquer” the high peaks of Olympus, in an attempt to investigate the amazing beauties and legends of the mountain. Among them were travellers, herbalists, archaeologists, engineers and and mountaineers: OLYMPUS: History of tours and Exporations (1530­1911) The mount of Gods and Muses attracted the attention of lots of foreign explorers and scientists. Yet, in the past it wasn't easy for a foreign traveler to visit Olympus since the Greeks were in awe of the “holly mountain”, there were no special experience or equipment and it was a bandits shelter for years. There's an indicative answer that Christos Kakalos – wild goats hunter­ gave to the Swiss photographer Frederic Boissonnas, when the latter asked him to guide him on Myticas ­ the highest peak of the mountain ­ in 1913 “ Climbing on Myticas? No, no, Published by: Nature Friends ­ Greece | www.nfgr.org August 2, 1913. Fred Boissonnas at Olympus summit Mytikas. Vasilis Ithakisios in front of the "Asylum of the Muses" cave ­ 1928 Nine Muses, goddesses of inspiration of literature, science and art lived in the ravines and springs of Olympus and were: Euterpe (music), Erato (lyric poetry), Calliope (epic poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (hymns), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), Urania (astronomy), Clio (history). The painter Vasilis Ithakisios named on purpose the cave “Asylum of the Muses”. He stayed in that cave occassionally from 1928­1940 and painted Olympus. 1. 1530 St Dionysius – Founder of the Monastery of Agios Dionysios 2. 1780 Ch. Sonnini – French officer 3. 1808 W. Leake – English officer who travelled all around Greece and gave detailed descriptions indicating distances in yards 4. 1810 Fr. Pougueville – French traveller 5. 1830 D. Urquhart – English diplomat 6. 1836 R. Aucher Eloy – French herbalist 7. 1840 C. Eckenbrecher – German geographer 8. 1851 Th. Heldreich – German Herbalist 9. 1855 J. Ussing – Dane professor 10. 1855 L. Heuzey – French archaeologist 11. 1857 Th. Orpanidis – Greek herbalist The unknown Greece ­ mini travell guides, Issue 1 Olympus ­ the mountain of Gods and Muses 2