devided into three registers. In the upper register there are angels with the symbols of Christ’s Passion; in the second register there are the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist immediately next to Christ, and the Apostols sitting with twelve angels behind them; in the third register on the left there is the representation of Heaven (the Elects, raised from their tombs, are letting get inside a door, representing the gate of Heaven, from an angel, while inside Paradise there are the three major Patriarchs sitting on their thrones) while on the right there is the representation of Hell (Lucifer, in the middle of the composition, is devouring the Damned). So, there is the representation of the Last Judgment at the end of time, when Christ will come on earth again to judge all people.
The other five sections of the dome are divided into registers. In the upper register, next to the lantern, there is the representation of nature, with plants and animals. It is the nearest to the lantern because the light of the lantern represent God and nature is close to God. In the second register there are the Angelic Choirs, such
A particular of the mosaics of the Baptistery of Florence