Olive Vol 1 | Page 15

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world" - Marilyn Monroe




By: Madison Albin

Finding the most quintessential shoe in New York is like waiting in line at your favorite roller coaster ride. At first you're anxious, you don't want to wait, you're thinking there will be another ride with less people on line, but then you realize that the wait is worth it. Finding the ideal shoe is just like the whirling roller coaster experience. You're jumpy, it's a sensation that makes you tingle and you don't want to wait much longer, you are almost willing to settle, but then you remind yourself, you are in New York, the best city in the world. While in the fashion capital, you know that you will eventually find that perfect shoe that mimics the fantastic image in your mind. It will be worth the wait, just like the ride, and when you get to the top of that roller coaster, it's when you are able to find THE shoe. It's exhilarating and all a rush in a minute. You see the saleperson

taking the most alluring shoes out of the red glossy rectangle box and you instantly know that these shoes must be the newest addition to your collection. They represent everything that you have imagined in your head and you gasp. They twinkle in your eyes and instantly light up the room around you. It just so happens that they fit perfectly on your feet as if they were made for you, and you fall in love, not only with the most attractive city in the world, but the most magnificent shoes that money can buy. You swipe your plastic to make your descion final without evening thinking of this inclusion to your bill at the end of the month, and your're satisfied. You tilt your head back with relief. Walking out of the store, you're on top of the world. You feel powerful and radiant. The experience of possessing this glamourous icon is like no other and right then you're aware you have found the most perfect shoe in the whole city