up couple.”
Right but what motivated you to release the Bound 2 video live, you rarely ever do
public appearances and then to spring out a new music video? Something must be up, also the video is something else,
and many people believe it’s tacky.
it’s been such a journey creating
e album saying, I got a new strat- “That’s the thing! I wanted it to be as tacky as possible! With the
ve a plan to sell more music. It’s
mountains and the horses but then, you put a black dude in the
better music”
middle of it all, it’s like a ‘Hunger Games’ type of imagery. Also the
h name of
fact that I am doing
more interviews, it
shows that it’s differs my slave name and
ent when a black dude
does it, the whole thing
God name.
when a white artist
does it, you see Madonased the
esides the
na do an interview, she
never does interviews
und 2, exbut she brings one out
the blue and its fine, I
de, the vidcome along, or J
an guarancomes along and it’s
ng before
the biggest news ever.”
stened to
(turn over for more)
ersonal for
elings for
ust a