Old Pocklingtonian 2021/2022 | Page 2


From the


Dear Old Pocklingtonians ,
I hope this latest edition of the OP Magazine finds you well and that it offers you a further chance to reconnect with your former School ! I am consistently struck by the strong link between OPs and the School and these past few years , in spite of the pandemic , have been no different .
There is much to be pleased with at Pocklington . Our latest cohort of Fifth Year and Upper Sixth students performed admirably in their respective examinations . In both year groups , they achieved the best ever results in the School ’ s history . We are particularly proud of them given the upheaval endured during Covid . These are pupils that coped with online learning and School closure and , in the case of the Upper Sixth , these public examinations were the first they had ever taken . We are deeply proud of them and so pleased to celebrate with them at the end of long and circuitous road !
Rachel Dare ( OP Liaison Officer )
Time is literally flying by and it is time for the OP magazine once again ! I hope you enjoy reading this year ’ s issue which has a full round up of OP activity and news from the last 12 months .
Leanne and I waved farewell to our colleague Susan Kay who left for pastures new in December 2021 . Susan ’ s replacement is Jenny Preston who took over the Development Officer role in March . Jenny has fitted into the OP & Development team seamlessly and has been busy getting up to speed with the School ’ s fundraising programmes , outreach activity , and the PSF careers and business network . She is looking forward to meeting OPs in the months ahead .
Looking forward , we would like to hear from OPs with a significant leaving anniversary coming up in 2023 who would be interested in helping me to organise a reunion event to celebrate ! Andrew Rose ( Class of 1993 ) is already rounding up his year for a 30-year reunion in May 2023 and Rupert Armitage ( Class of 1983 ) is keen to hold a 40-year reunion for his year at the Summer Reunion on Sunday 2 July 2023 . If you left School at the end of the sixth form in 1953 , 1963 , 1973 , 1998 , 2003 , 2013 , 2018 and would be interested in a reunion for your year group , please get in touch with the OP office .
As well as our events , you can keep in touch and connect with contemporaries by signing up on the OP website , OP Connect . Once registered , you can also use OP Connect to find a mentor , volunteer as a mentor , submit your news , and update your details . Over 500 OPs have already registered – we ’ d love you to join them !
Post-Covid we have seen the School come back to life with vigour . Trips , sport , music , drama and all you would normally associate with vibrant school life are all back on the menu and all this in the context of our new working week . Add to this a highly successful visit of the Independent School Inspectorate in 2021 and you will understand it has been a busy year !
I am also delighted to note that the School is in good health from a pupil roll perspective . We grew throughout Covid and have , to date , maintained that growth and overall cohort size . This is , in part at least , down to parents and families reassessing the importance of education following Covid and recognising that what we can offer meets their requirements . We are also seeing the benefits of our new working week as more families recognise its increased flexibility , along with the adherence to the high standards we demand at Pocklington . I am also pleased to confirm that the pensions dispute that challenged all in our community has been resolved .
This summer highlighted all that is to be celebrated at Pocklington . We had numerous trips on offer , including our biennial expedition to Namibia and our first ever sports tour to the USA . Both were magnificent experiences that will live long in the memory of the intrepid travellers . I have already touched on the stellar results , and it gave me great pleasure to celebrate with our leavers at the Pavilion Hotel in York in July as they were looking to the future at a wide range of post-18 destinations .
I hope you enjoy this review of the year , and we look forward to welcoming you here at School or at one of our many future events .
Yours sincerely ,
Toby Seth , Headmaster
Thank you and we look forward to keeping in touch ! Best wishes
Rachel Dare OP Liaison Officer
OP Office Pocklington School , West Green , Pocklington , YO42 2NJ
Tel : 01759 321307 E-mail : darer @ pocklingtonschool . com
Printed on paper from responsible sources .