“ What ’ s going on in East Arlington ?”
That ’ s the most common question I receive .
People are curious . They want to know what ’ s happening on Old Mill Road .
On November 2 , 2023 , we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of Old Mill Road Recording , our state-of-the-art , NAMM TEC Award-Winning Recording Studio . So , now seems like the perfect time to share “ what ’ s going on .”
The Start
Every good business begins with a problem .
In 2009 , I moved to Vermont to practice medicine at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington . With a one-week-on / one-week-off hospital-based schedule , I still spent significant time in New York City , working on music and theater projects .
After a year or so of the weekly commute between NYC and VT , I thought , “ There is a ton of talent , industry insiders , and beautiful locations in Vermont . Why not produce up here ?!”
So , I started producing a series of projects in Southern Vermont , including CHARMERS ( a series of MGM-style music videos filmed at historic locations in Vermont ) and 100 HOSPITAL DRIVE ( a health show that utilized animation , puppetry , music , and real healthcare providers to deliver accurate medical information in a fun and easy-tounderstand format ).
I discovered that Southern Vermont does indeed have great talent and beautiful locations , but it lacked the infrastructure to churn out the volume of high-quality content I hoped to create .
That was the problem I needed to solve .
Top 3 Photos : Ryan VanDenBoom starred in CHARMERS , filmed at historic Vermont locations , including the Everett Mansion in Bennington and Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester .
Row 4 : Cardiologist Dr . Steven Anisman explains how the heart works to “ Big Man ” on 100 HOSPITAL DRIVE .
Row 5 : Me hosting 100 HOSPITAL DRIVE with Dr . Whatch-A-Ma-Call-it and Big Man .
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