Oklahoma Scenes Spring 2020 | Page 2

WELCOME W Introducing Oklahoma Scenes, Spring 2020 Edition! e’ve been listening to our readers, and we hope it shows through in our new format for our quarterly magazines! We are adding more local writers, artists, photographers, people, places and events. Oklahoma Scenes will showcase your businesses and communities throughout the year in a beautiful, easy to read, entertaining and informative snapshot of the 17 counties we serve at the Oklahoma Shoppers Group. Oklahoma Scenes, Spring Edition 2020 begins the year long celebration we have planned for our very own Shop ‘N Swap Advertiser, which has been serving Oklahoman’s for 50 years! As we begin our celebration. We couldn’t help but notice how many clients we have served over 50 years that are still advertising today. So we decided our celebration should include their businesses as well, and we’ll start out with Tom Berry, owner of Berry Auctions, a celebrated Oklahoma auctioneer who was one of the fi rst auction companies to advertise with the Shop ‘N Swap Advertiser 50 years ago, and still advertises auction notices with us today. The auction business in Oklahoma is thriving, with everything up for bid! Industrial and heavy equipment, auto, gun, real estate, business liquidations, estate sales and auctions, oil and gas properties, farm and ranch, livestock and benefi t auctions are examples of the specialties our auctioneers provide. At the Oklahoma Shoppers Group, we pride ourselves on being one of the Celebrating largest auction advertising resources in Central Oklahoma. Why do auctioneers like Tom Berry love to use our shoppers to promote their auctions? Because our readers respond! And because readers respond to our advertisers. We are still the premier shopper resource in Oklahoma. The Shop ‘N Swap Advertiser and Show & Tell Times continue to deliver uncomplicated, easy access to hundreds of classifi ed and business advertisements that provide a direct local link to the products and services our communities need. Thank you, readers, for your support over the last 50 years. Thank you to our advertisers for choosing the Oklahoma Shoppers Group to promote your businesses. We have a unique connection in our distribution area, one that has developed over 50 years, and one we hope will carry on for the next 50 years! In future editions we’ll champion more businesses and industries that celebrate anniversaries, so stay tuned to our Summer, Fall and Winter Editions in 2020. If your business is celebrating a big anniversary this year, we’d love to hear from you! ce 1970 Sin together Oklahoma! Let’s succeed “Where’s Your Local?” 50 Years OKLAHOMA SHOPPERS GROUP Since 1970 1970-20 20 O K L A H O M A S cenes Spring 2020 Edition | FREE Show & Tell Times | Shop ‘N Swap Advertiser The Kitchen Sink Spring Cleaning Ideas 1047 E. Main • Cushing, OK 74023 www.showntelltimes.com • www.shopnswap.com Celebrating 50 Years JEFF NIEMAN Of Advertising Excellence Territory Account Manager 1970-2020 918-225-4111 offi ce • 405-740-4249 cell Sue McQuillen - General Manager jeff@oklahomashoppersgroup.com Gary Goldberg - Territory Account Manager Jeff Nieman - Territory Account Manager Anesa K. Chastain Jones - Graphics Director Tammy Williams - Accounting IT BEGINS WITH PREPAREDNESS Area Emergency Managers Give Timely Advice Spring Gardening Tips Direct From The Greenhouse TOM D. BERRY AUCTIONEER CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF AUCTIONEERING ON THE COVER: Tom D. Berry, Celebrating 50 Years In The Auctioneering Business. Cover Photo Taken By Anesa K. Chastain Jones Proudly Brought To You By The Oklahoma Shoppers Group Print Advertising Works. . . We’ve Been Proving It For 50 Years! 2 | Spring Scenes | March 2020