Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine November - December 2018 | Page 5

TALKIN’ TRASH with the Janitor Gratitude. What a bizarre emotion? It is a deep sentiment conveying appreciation for what one has.... Robert Emmons, author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier says “People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they’re thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.” As 2018 comes to an end I reflect on all the things I am grateful for. For example, I was seriously contemplating doing what T had done earlier in the year when she terminated her magazine Thunder Roads. It is funny, the day I was intending to close Oklahoma Biker I received three subscriptions forms in the mail. Those subscriptions changed my mind. I interpreted them as God’s way of telling me to keep publishing the Rag. Therefore, we will continue to print Oklahoma Biker for as long as it is feasible. We could not continue our publication if it were not for our advertisers. If you enjoy reading Oklahoma Biker, please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in the Ragazine. I am also grateful to you, our readers, for your continued support and readership for the past fourteen (14) years we have been publishing Oklahoma Biker. oklahoma biker the riders ragazine If you believe author Robert Emmons you folks are directly responsible for my well- being because I am exceedingly grateful for each of you. I say all of this to say this: THANK YOU! You make me proud to be a member of the Oklahoma biker community. You are a group of folks that will get out and support most worthy causes. Giving your time and your money to help others who may be less fortunate (but not always) than yourselves. You use these events as an excuse to ride with your brothers and sisters because we all know “it is about the ride.” Any ol’ excuse to ride, right? Here’s what I ask of you: “How many of your closest friends did you meet because of motorcycles?” Yes, I am also grateful for Harley-Davidson because my friendships with the very best people I know came about because I ride a motorcycle. It doesn’t matter what each of us does to earn a living. It doesn’t even matter what race or religion we are...if we put our knees in the breeze we are accepted by most others who are also riding motorcycles. Yes, certain patches demand respect. Those are patches you earn — not purchase. Give them their due. It is because of them you choose to dress in leather and ride American-made motorsickles. Most of those folks are good people. Get to know them. Show love, honor and respect and most will return it. I am grateful for my family, especially my wife, Cheryl. My family has not only traveled the best highways with me, but also the gravel and dirt roads of this journey called “life”. Most of all I am grateful for Jesus because without His love nothing else would be possible in my life. May God bless each one of you in 2019! Ride safe and watch out for the cages. The Janitor 5