Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Nov - Dec 2017 | страница 5
Talkin’ trash
This is our last issue of 2017. At the
end of each year I always want to offer
some words of wisdom or something
overwhelming to close out the year.
This year is no different. Once again,
I cannot think of anything profound, or
even cute to say. All I can say is this:
I am thankful. I am thankful for all the
blessings bestowed upon us this year.
Now I am not saying this wasn’t a trying
It is October 25th early in the morning
as I write this Talkin’ Trash. My dad
has kidney surgery today at 1pm and I
am the one taking him to the hospital.
Two weeks ago, my wife Cheryl, had
back surgery and the next day my mom
moved in with us on hospice. This is our
last Ragazine of the year and it abso-
lutely MUST get to the printer today
to get out on the stands in a timely
manner. “Life Happening” is what I like
to call these things going on around me.
We have also had losses this year…
and so have our friends. Earlier in the
year we lost our nephew, Dirl Cunning-
ham, who was instrumental in helping
us with Cheryl’s Birthday Bash. My
longtime friend and brother, Jeffrey Par-
nell, I believe died because of complica-
oklahoma biker the riders ragazine
tions from a motorcycle accident. My
dear friends Larry, Arthur, and Bruce
Pearson (Judge Parker Band) lost
their mother. We love the Pearson
Brothers and we are very sorry for
their loss.
Yes, 2017 has brought us both
success and sorrow. Les Brown says,
“When life knocks you down try to
land on your back because if you
can look up you can get up.” With
that in mind I am thankful for all my
many blessings in life. I am thankful
for you…our readers. Thank you for
picking up and reading Oklahoma Bik-
er. Our distributors tell me Oklahoma
Biker is the most picked up magazine
from their racks. That says a lot about
the motorcycle community in Oklaho-
ma. I am thankful for our advertisers
for helping us to continue to bring
Oklahoma Biker to our community
free of charge.
I am also thankful to our military, both
past and present, for ensuring our
freedom and safety in a crazy mixed
up world. I believe our soldiers de-
serve our love and respect. My close
friends and family members I am very
thankful for because they tolerate
my idiosyncrasies daily and still love
and support me. Cheryl Briggs is my
greatest blessing. I pray each of you
find someone who brings joy to your
life like Cheryl has done for mine.
Above all I am thankful for God’s love
and blessings poured out abundantly
upon me and my family through the
grace of Jesus Christ my Lord.
The Janitor