Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine May - June 2018 | Page 30
Every June in Muskogee the Bedouin
Shriners hosts the Bedouin Shrine Pok-
er Run to help raise money to transport
children to the Shriners Hospitals for
The Shriners Hospitals is a network of
twenty-two non-profit medical facilities
across North America. Children with or-
thopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord
injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligi-
ble for care and receive all services in a
family-centered environment, regardless
of the patients’ ability to pay.
Poker runs stops this year include CJ’s
Convenience Store, Dam Bar (say
“HELLO!” to Charlie and Tambra for us),
Cedar Creek Country Club, Cookson
Village, and, I believe the Cherokee Ca-
sino, but I am not sure about the casino.
This is an incredibly beautiful ride that
you won’t want to miss.
The ride starts and ends at the Bedouin
Shrine Temple located at 201 S 6th St
in Muskogee. Registration is from 9am
to 11am. The last bike must be in by
As if riding to help the Bedouin Shriners 5:30pm. Cash and prizes will be award-
ed starting at 6pm.
raise money to help sick and injured
children wasn’t enough...the poker run
The Janitor
offers more than $4000 in cash and