Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine May - June 2018 | Page 28

School House Rocked
First let me say that I ’ m all for the teachers getting a raise . What they have to deal with in those classrooms is way more than I would ever put up with ! I also believe that the kids need new books . However , I do not feel that taxing the shit out of everything is the answer that will solve this problem .
Oklahoma ’ s public education problems “ are not due to underfunding ,” says Oklahoma State University entrepreneurship professor emeritus Vance Fried . “ Since 1972 , per-pupil spending has almost doubled in real terms with no improvement in academic outcomes .” Now he seems like a real smart , higher education kind of person that ’ s got to be in the know . So my question is this , where is all this money going ? I have seen the numbers on the Lottery and the money that has been collected from the casinos . Our great state of Oklahoma has “ Fallin ” on some corrupt times ! We can ’ t balance
the budget , our roads and infrastructure suck and it seems no matter how much money we sink into the schools , it doesn ’ t help .
I voted for a State Rep that said he would improve schools , but it seems he just went down there and is playing politics as usual . I didn ’ t see where he did anything to call for or suggest an audit . I think the whole place should be audited . Let ’ s see an accounting for each and every dime before we get more taxes put upon us . He just went ahead and voted for more taxes . Guess I ’ ll find someone to replace him next time . I really hoped a combat Vet wouldn ’ t sell me out , but it looks like he ’ s “ Fallin ” right in line with the rest of them . Time to go buddy !
It was brought to my attention that Teachers couldn ’ t strike in Oklahoma and yet as I write this , we ’ re on day 7 of their strike . Oh wait , it ’ s a walk out . What ’ s the difference ? So this is what I found in the dictionary ;
Strike - noun
1 . a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest , typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer .
Can someone explain the difference to me ? Sure sounds like a strike to me ! So , I ’ m guessing that in Oklahoma I can now bust a guy in the mouth and just tell the cops it wasn ’ t assault , it was no cost facial redistribution . I ’ m sure in this day and age of Tide Pod eaters and Gender fluid bullshit I can get away with just about anything if I apply Liberal logic and phrasing to it .
Any who , if the teachers are on strike , er …… I mean if they ’ ve walked out . Do they still get paid ? If so , why ? I have
oklahoma biker the riders ragazine 28