Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine May - June 2018 | Page 22
AAAA Stars and Stripes
2018 3rd annual
July 7th
look uS uP To find
ouT AbouT A flighT
in A blAckhAwk
$25 per rider • $20 for extra Hand
registration 8:30am Barlow armory
Hwy 169 and 46tH Street nortH, tulSa, oK
(Helicopter Base)
FirSt BiKe out 11:00am
tHe ride will FiniSH at oneoK Field at a
tulSa drillerS game no later tHan 5:30pm
wHere all BiKeS will ride around tHe
warning tracK BeFore tHe game StartS.
BeSt Hand and early Bird entry winS
a ride in a BlaKcHawK.
all proceeds will go to tHe
a rmy a viation a ssociation of a merica
ScHolarSHip Fund
Thunderbird AAAA Stars and Stripes Poker Run