Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine May - June 2018 | Page 18
When life has become too much (usu-
ally by my own doing) and I am over-
whelmed at every turn, there’s nothing
much else I can do but turn to the Lord.
seems to be pretty easy for me to lose
my way. So I have to double check my-
self to see if I’m following my own way
(which tends to get me in trouble) or am
I following the Heavenly Father (which
tends to work out much better for me).
Oh I have tried to figure things out on
my own, to no avail. It seems when I
have exhausted every avenue of reason Remember the God who said He will
- He whispers quietly “Give it to Me.”
never leave you or forsake you, no
matter how bad things get - listen to His
Christ has a way of bringing a new
perspective on life!
If you have ever ridden in the rain until
you are drenched from head to toe,
you’re cold and miserable and every-
thing is fogged up and it’s hard to find
your way home... then you know what
I’m talking about “Momma is not hap-
py.” But then the sun begins to break
through and the clouds start to dissipate
and finally things start looking a lot
In the same manner Christ will bring
clarity to your life as you ride down
life’s highway. Sometimes it’s beautiful,
sometimes it’s foggy, sometimes it’s
stormy, sometimes it’s treacherous and
sometimes it’s just downright deadly.
It’s important for us to follow closely to
the Lord. I don’t know about you but it
oklahoma biker the riders ragazine
“Lord help!” they cried in their trou-
bles and He saved them from all their
He sent His Word and Healed them ,
snatching them from the very door of
Christ Jesus is the God who will rescue
you, when everyone else has turned
their backs on you!
Call on Him today...
today is the day of Salvation!
He’s waiting for you to call His Name!!!
CMA Preacher Dennis