Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine May - Jun 2017 | страница 5
May is Motorcycle Awareness
Month. As I sit writing this I am thinking,
“Shouldn’t March and April and June and July
be Motorcycle Awareness Months also? And
what about all those other months as well?!”
I heard on the news awhile ago two
motorcycles went down in Oklahoma today.
There would probably be more crashes
reported on Facebook too, if I could stand to
get on there and look.
(Axis). Apparently, they do not check
a person’s medical history, because
without hesitation they start writing my
brother prescriptions for valium and
painkillers. Of course, he takes all of
the pills within two or three days,
and is basically comatose until
he runs out of pills. Now I am
not saying he does not suffer
from pain. However, if he
takes all the pills in three
days and remains without
them for the next 25 to
27 days, why can’t he
remain without them the
other three days? Just
I believe the only
way to fight this
type of problem
is to initiate legal
The citizenry of Oklahoma cannot blame
proceedings against
sand for being on the roads this year causing the manufacturers
crashes. It is just inattentive driving (and cell
of narcotics and
phones) causing these problems so early in
the clinics who
the year. Oklahoma bikers, you know how
prescribe them
many loved ones we have lost over the years. unnecessarily. Given
Please watch out for the cagers, because you the remarkably
know they are NOT watching out for you.
growing number
of prescription
There is something else killing those I love.
drug-induced deaths
Oklahoma is in the throes of a prescription
across Oklahoma,
drug epidemic. I know many people currently
the need for legal
being prescribed pain medication for various
investigation into their
claimed illnesses. Some on them undoubtedly
distribution is crucial. If
need it - others surely do not.
the clinics and/or drug
companies are found
I’m concerned by addiction’s pervasiveness
guilty of wrongdoing, the
in my community. After spending more than
consequences should
two years in a drug and alcohol program,
be enormous, including
one of my brothers recently returned home.
lawsuits from grieving
He straightaway began searching for a
families who lost loved ones
doctor who would prescribe him narcotics.
because of negligent dispersal
Now this isn’t his first rodeo; he has been to
rehab several times, and the ambulance has of prescription drugs. Suing the
clinics and drug manufacturers
visited his home more than once when he
was comatose from taking too many pills. His could be the critical first step in
medical records should have “prescription turning Oklahoma’s pill popping
fortunes around.
drug abuse” written all over them in red!
It doesn’t take him long to locate a “Pill Mill”
The Janitor