Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2018 | Page 28
perfect way to brainwash developing
young minds. They read half-truths and
false information and make up their
minds based on what they are told to
believe. Very little if any fact checking is
done before they click and forward false
or inaccurate info on to even more kids.
What bothers me the most is we have
a generation of Tide Pod eaters, that
are now trying to push the enough
is enough agenda, and I just laugh
knowing that if during their little “Lie in”
you dropped a fire cracker in the midst
of them you would have full on panic!
I’m willing to bet that a third of them
would piss themselves (physically), a
third of them would pull out their phones
and start filming the “mass shooting”
(LOL), most would be crying, three
Here’s What Gets Me Pissed Today! quarters would need a safe place and a
therapy counselor and a hand full would
I’m not really sure when or where the
immediately start calling for stronger
world went wrong, but it sure took
gun control and a ban on “assault” rifles!
a wrong turn somewhere. I feel bad
for the kids and parents of future
If the teens of today are such Social
generations and I know that I wouldn’t
Justice Warriors, where have they
want to bring a child into the sad world been with all the shooting and killing
which we live in today.
that goes on every day? Why do they
let abortions kill every day? Why aren’t
Let’s look at the demise of civilization
as I see it. We’ve taken God out of just they protesting the mental, physical and
sexual abuse? I guess the left hasn’t
about everything, not good. Electronic
force fed that to them yet.
babysitters, if you’re gonna have ‘em,
raise ‘em! I’ve seen it for years, plop
I’m one of those old people that went
the kid down in front of the boob tube
to a High School that had trucks with
and don’t worry about them. Game
guns in the back windows. I went to
systems (Xbox, play station, you make school back when you had an issue
the call). Where kids used to go outside with someone, you met after school and
and play, they now sit on their ass
somebody got their ass whipped and
transfixed to a screen playing games
it was a done deal. We didn’t go get a
and learning how to tactically destroy
gun and do a drive by or shoot our class
the word with weapons that the little
mates up. I still feel it’s come down to
liberal regurgitation machines now
morals, God, parenting and upbringing!
want banned. Social media/electronic
Grab you a History book and try to
devices, this to me has had the biggest educate yourself on what has become
effect on the youth of today. What a
of a society that only the Government
oklahoma biker the riders ragazine