Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2018 | Page 21
Long time readers of Oklahoma
Biker know that for the first few
years every issue of Oklahoma
Biker had cancer sucks on the
front cover. Since the first time I
attended a Handlebars and Hot
Rods Poker Run I knew cancer-
sucks was a charity I could get
behind and support. After all,
everyone I have ever known has
been touched by cancer in some
form or fashion. and they will be giving away
$1000 for Best of Show Car and
$500 for Best of Show Bike. Plus
there is a Walking Poker Run
to the businesses at Riverwalk
Crossing. Poker Run partici-
pants will be eligible for $1000
prize for the High Hand. The first
250 Entries receive a free event
tee, plus all participants receive
Casino Cash from River Spirit
My first Handlebars and Hot
Rods Poker Run was (I believe)
in 2004. It was held in the park-
ing lot of a casino in Catoosa.
I don’t remember the stops for
the run, but I do remember I was
impressed by the sheer number
of participants in the run. Over
the years there have been new
locations for the run, and differ-
ent (dis)attractions have been
added and subtracted. Some of
the poker runs have been more
successful than other years,
but each and every one of them
have one significant thing in
common: All of the money raised
each year goes to fund cancer
research. Yes, you heard me
right…100% of the money goes
to fund cancer research. Not
even one red cent is used for
administrative costs! They have
actually donated more than a
million dollars for cancer re-
search. Poker Run registration is $25 per
bike and $15 for passengers. To
enter your Car and/or bike in the
show costs a measly twenty-five
bucks each. Vendor spots are
only $50 for the day.
This is the 15 th year for the event
oklahoma biker the riders ragazine
Now let’s talk about the Af-
ter-Party being held at the histor-
ic Cain’s Ballroom located at 423
N Main, Tulsa. OklaHomeGrown
Music Showcase will feature six
of Oklahoma’s best bands per-
forming to benefit Cancer Sucks!
You will hear Nicnos, Skytown,
Good Villains, Weston Horn &
Hush, NoiseBleedSound, and
Golden Ones. Doors open at 6
pm and the show starts at 7 pm.
Tickets are $20 in advance and
$25 at the door.
For more information about Han-
dlebars & Hot Rods go to www.
cancersucks.com and for the
After Party go to www.cainsball-
The Janitor