Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2017 | Page 28

Rumble over to Humble … Road Church that is

If you ’ ve been reading this rag a while , you ’ ve probably seen the Humble Road Church ad a time or two . Maybe you checked out a Sunday service , gave Pastors Jeff and / or Candy a call during a bad time , or checked out one of their previous anniversary parties . Maybe you ’ ve done nothing - and if this is you , we are giving you a shot at redeeming a wrong … and maybe winning a new ride , but the big win comes from the knowledge you ’ ll get from knowing you did something great for the local community .
So what are we asking you to do and why should you get out and do it ? Good question . On April 8 , Humble Road Church in Bartlesville celebrates their SIXTH anniversary , which is a big deal , but they are GIVING YOU the gifts . They are having a silent auction , a poker run , bike games , a bike show , vendors with plenty of biker-friendly wares and food for a nominal fee , BUT , what really caught our eye is the Sickle Raffle ; for only $ 5 , you can buy a raffle ticket for a motorcycle that you will own free and clear WHEN they draw your name ( gotta be positive and we ’ re pulling for you ). This is not a national raffle ; there will only
be 2,000 tickets available locally , so it ’ s a good chance that you will be the lucky ticket holder ( for tickets , contact Pastor Candy at ( 918 ) 766-2146 ). We even have it on good authority that they might have buzzard legs cooking up ( that got your attention , didn ’ t it ?).
The party spills over into Sunday where Pastors Jeff and Candy will be dishing up more tasty treats for old and new friends and their neighbors ; it will be a more relaxed day to attend and make more friends while you learn what Humble Road is all about . Sunday is also when they announce to everyone that you won your new ride ! Good thing you brought your Brothers and Sisters along to help you get it home . Even on the off chance you didn ’ t win a bike , you ’ ll take home some inner peace . And you can never have too much of that .
What is most important to know about Humble Road ’ s Anniversary is how they spend the funds they raise . All the money is used to repair and / or expand HRC to better provide for your brethren . This year ’ s funds are being used to build-out the Student Youth Ministry and makeover the nursery . So grab your colors and Brothers and come out for two days of good times , good people , a free ride and a full belly . Leave with a full heart and a new way of living your life through service to the Lord . As Humble Road ’ s slogan goes , “ Lovin ’ the Hell out of people ” is what they do .
Want to be a vendor ? Want to know more ? Want to donate ? Call Pastor Candy at ( 918 ) 766-2146 or e-mail her at pastorcandy @ humbleroadchurch . com .