Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2017 | Page 26


At first glance , this 6 foot , 265 pound
biker might seem a little intimidating , but for those who know this guy , they see a very different view . Meet Tim Lawson . He ’ s done so much for his fellow man , but he wants no accolades . He just wants to feed the hungry vets in Oklahoma .
Which is where his organization , Hogs for Hunger comes in . H4H is donating food to the VFW , American Legion and the Coffee Bunker food banks this year , something Tim feels very strongly about . " These people gave everything for our freedom and they should never have to go without food ." Tim ’ s father was a veteran and no vet should go hungry . Ever .
Last year , Tim donated over 213 pounds of crawfish to those who participated in the H4H food drive ( and even cooked it himself ). This year , he will be hosting a fish fry with fish that he and Shannon Key ( w \ K & S Electric ) caught themselves . Tess Oxford will be serving up some of her famous potato salad , along with other unforgettable sides to compliment the meal . But wait , there ’ s more ! Participants will receive a Magic Ticket upon registration and at each stop along the ride . These tickets will go into a drawing at the last stop for a chance to win prizes ( we thought that potato salad was one dangit ). Someone ( you ?) is going to have to make room in their driveway for a motorcycle - last year , a 1979 Harley Davison Iron Head was donated by Dee Manatowa and perfected to riding condition by Chuck Newberry , so we can ’ t WAIT to see what ’ s this year ’ s big prize is ( I ’ m holding out for that salad !).
Tim estimates that over 200 bikers
attended last year and he hopes to triple that number this year ; he wants this to be as big as the Toy Run , only with the gift of food instead . He asks that everyone donate at least 10 pounds of non perishable food ( no money please ).
Hogs For Hunger takes place on April 8 , registration is at noon at the American Legion Post # 1 at 1120 E 8th St in Tulsa . Final stop will be at VFW Post # 7441 at 2020 Hwy 48 in Mannford and is where the drawings and free meal will be , with in-between stops TBA . If you need to deliver food early , four locations will be announced prior to the run - call ( 918 ) 904-3633 for details .
Bikers bring in some of the highest charity donation revenues in the U . S . but many of our food banks are dry . “ Have you ever missed a meal ? I have . Along with my beautiful wife , Mrs . D , I vow to do everything within my power to feed those that are hungry . We can ' t change the world , but with your help , we can change the world around us ."
-Cheri Pogue