Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Mar - Apr 2017 | Page 11

Bird ’ s EyeView

Everything looks so small when I fly up high like this . What a grand life I have . Oh look , there they are . It ’ s funny , I can barely even hear the weird growls and burbles they make when they communicate with each other . I just don ’ t get how they can understand one another with nothing but those simple sounds . Oh well . Some mysteries will never be solved .
Oh there ’ s the little one , he always waves at me .
“ Hi little one !”
Yes , “ gurgle , blah , blah , growl to you too .” Ha , ha , ha . That ’ s fun .
There ’ s my limb . I think I ’ ll take a little rest .
“ Ahhh .”
Here comes the pretty one . She seems excited . I wonder what ’ s going on . Wait , what is that ?
Oh ! It ’ s the big one – and he ’ s got a new shiny ! Wonderful ! The big one sure loves his shiny . He likes to wash it and make it shinier . After he and the pretty one get on it and go away for a while . Sometimes I follow above them but the shiny goes faster than I can , so I just come back here and wait . They always come back .
I want to see it . I want to see the new shiny .
“ I ’ m coming !”
Oh , my stomach . This is why I don ’ t eat centipedes – oh my … uh oh .
“ I ’ m sorry , big one ! I didn ’ t mean to mess up your shiny .”
“ Do you hear that stupid bird , Sally ? He pooped on my brand new bike and now he is chirping away about it . I have half a mind to go and get my rifle and shoot that stupid bird !”
Oh , the big one is talking to me . He must ’ ve forgiven me . “ Thank you big one ! It is a beautiful shiny !”
Yes , I do have a grand life . I sure love my family .
What is your perspective ? Something to think about in the wind .
They really are great . Even though they can ’ t fly , I think they ’ re neat . The big one is showing the pretty one his new shiny .