Okanagan4Kids.com Summer Camp Guide Summer 2013 | Page 6

Outdoor Summer Fun


aking up every morning to watch the sunrise gives me immeasurable joy and peace before the noise and faster pace of the day unfolds .
Today ’ s life is hectic for both adults and children , however SUMMER time provides an opportunity to slow down , head outdoors and wonder at the beauty of nature .
Getting outdoors and closer to nature has all sorts of benefits for our children . It keeps them healthy , they can learn about the amazing natural world around them and most of all its fun to play outdoors … Children learn through play .
“ When one tugs at a single thing in nature , he finds it attached to the rest of the world .” ~ John Muir , Naturalist
Children are curious by nature . To them , everything is a wonder . Simple fun like building fairy houses , making mud pies , chasing grasshoppers , investigating pond life , picking wild berries , hunting for rocks , watching bees and butterflies , finding pine cones , making magic petal potions , building dens , climbing trees , lying back and watching clouds go by are all part of childhood .
Here in the Okanagan the diversity of wildlife is incredible and viewing wild animals in their natural habitat is a magical and enchanting experience for a child of any age . As a family , we have encountered bears , deer , moose , big horn sheep , bald eagles , osprey and rattlesnakes , to name a few . There are many wonderful trails and hikes to suit all ages throughout the Okanagan and the Regional parks offer activities for young children and youth throughout the summer break . Geocashing was a favourite with our 14yr old .
Of course , you don ’ t have to go in search of a moose ; young children can have just as much fun going on a bug hunt in their own backyard , running barefoot on a sandy beach , sharing their favourite book under the shade of a giant tree . Playing in the local park where they have the freedom to run wild and chase butterflies and listen to the birds and squirrels go about their business . Why not wake up early together and let sunbeams warm your heart or stay up extra late and watch the night sky sparkle with promise .
Gardening is another wonderful fun way to connect children with nature . Simply by playing and working in a garden , children can experience the satisfaction that comes from caring for something over time , while observing the cycle of life firsthand .
Happy Healthy Children Play Outdoors
Getting children back into nature is a key part of the solution to keeping children healthy and truly creating wellness . There has never been a more important time for parents and grandparents to make outdoor play a priority for the children in their lives . It is one of the best things that we can do for their health , education and well-being and here in the Okanagan , we couldn ’ t ask for a more magical and awe-inspiring place to connect out children with the natural world .
Wishing you all a magical and enchanting summer full of wonder and awe and oodles of laughter !
Contributed by Marghanita Hughes , writer and founder of Lets Go Outside - www . connectkids2nature . com
Okanagan4Kids . com Spring Break Guide | 2013 6