Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide Volume 1 | Page 19

1 , 2 or 3 days per week ; for ages three to school age . Working with families for the social , educational and spiritual growth of their children . 250.980.5604



Need some peace of mind to help you sleep better ? This checklist can help you sleep like a baby .

Your priorities and needs change as you move through different stages in your life . When children enter the picture it ’ s more important than ever to maintain a strong financial plan . A plan gives you confidence that you ’ re doing the right things to create lifetime financial security for you and your family . Here ’ s a checklist to help you get started :
Develop a spending plan
Do you know where your money goes ? You will have new expenses and will likely operate with less money while you ’ re off work . Make sure you know what your parental leave income will be and ensure you know where you are spending your money .
Have enough life insurance
You and your spouse should ensure you have enough life insurance to provide for your child should the unthinkable and unexpected happen .
Protect your finances
The effects of a critical illness can impact you and your family in many ways , including your financial plan . Having coverage will help you to focus on the care and recovery your family needs if you or a family member are faced with a serious illness .
Invest for your child ’ s future
It ’ s amazing how quickly they grow . Start an RESP * as early as possible and take advantage of the matching government grants . Waiting until high school removes growth potential that can make a huge difference when your child goes to university or college .
Keep saving for your retirement
Retirement savings can be easy to postpone when juggling new expenses and saving for your child ’ s education . Even small contributions can make a big difference down the road .
2013 Okanagan4Kids . com Baby & Toddler Guide
Prepare a will
Visit the Canadian family website to learn about the importance of having a will ( www . canadianfamily . ca / articles / article / having-a-will ).
A financial advisor can help you make informed financial choices during this exciting time . Now is the time to get started on your journey towards financial security .
Contributed by Jacquie Haycroft , Sun Life Financial

I want to start a family .

Mortgage protection • First-time home buyer plan • RESPs *
I can help with your goals . Let ’ s talk about Money for Life . TM
Jacquie Haycroft BA ( Econ ) Bus : 250-860-6403 ext 2244 jacquie . haycroft @ sunlife . com www . sunlife . ca / jacquie . haycroft 2139 Springfield Road Kelowna BC V1Y 7X1
Life ’ s brighter under the sun
Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services ( Canada ) Inc . © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada , 2013 .
... where we play , learn and grow with Christian values .

1 , 2 or 3 days per week ; for ages three to school age . Working with families for the social , educational and spiritual growth of their children . 250.980.5604

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