Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide Volume 1 | Page 15

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You needn ’ t be a concerned passive observer ; there a ton of fun activities that you can “ play ” with your baby to encourage proper cross-crawl patterns .
• Walking and crawling are not the only two crucial movement milestones . Baby needs to roll before he crawls as well ! Encourage rolling . Encourage rocking back and forth on all fours , the army crawl and sitting .
• Tummy time is also very important developmentally . Just because baby isn ’ t sleeping on his belly doesn ’ t mean he does not need to spend waking minutes there . Strive for two hours a day split into 15 minute segments .
• When changing a diaper , play “ patty cake ” with hands and feet . Touch right hand to left food and vice versa . Do a few sets with right hand to right food and left to left while you ’ re at it . Basically , you are “ going through the motions ” to teach the brain .
• To encourage more time crawling once they ’ ve started , create obstacle courses or tunnels . Play with your baby on the ground . ( The crawling time is good for your brain too !).
• Linear ( head-to-toe ) rocking is food for the vestibular system . When baby is small , you can hold him or her lying with belly or back on your forearm ( and head in hand ) and gently swing back and forth . Once they are too heavy for that , good old fashion swaddle and rock will do , with or without a rocking chair .
This is an exciting time ! As baby begins to explore the wonderful world around them , their personality will start to shine through and you will have so much fun crawling around your living room together ! Enjoy it , encourage it and participate !
Contributed by Dr . Amanda Stevens , Valeo Health Clinic
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