OJCL Torch Winter Torch 2020 | Page 23

I can remember as clear as day when, during my freshman year, my teacher, [Teacher’s name] told us about convention. The year was going [adjective #1], so I decided to get on my teacher’s good side and attend. Immediately, information was sprung at me. [Project Name]- I think [Teacher’s name] explained what they were, but being the [adjective] freshman I was, I wasn’t paying attention. I looked at the list and picked out the project which sounded the best: [Project Name]! As convention approached, I started working on my project. [Project Name], was not going as OJCLers getting into the spirit! planned. Being the [adjective #2] and [adjective #3] student that I was, am, and to the delight of any future teacher, will be, I made the [adjective #1] decision of putting it off. Fast forward to the week before convention. Having made no progress on [Project Name], I have a slight panic attack. I remember what [Name] said about [disease]. I resolve to pretend to have that and not attend convention. My parents aren’t fazed. Working day in, day out, I cobble together a [adjective #2] caricature of what [Project Name]’s ought to look like. When convention arrives, I shudder at having to eye the [present participle] judges when I give them my [Project Name]. Convention itself goes far better than expected. Club president [Name] and [Teacher Name] led us to a [adjective #3] victory, while spending the weekend with my [adjective #1] friends was simply a [noun]. The awards ceremony arrives. Half asleep, I [verb #1] to the GA hall, and [verb #2] in a chair. [Name] wins everything but one category. [Project Name] [verb #1]. As I begin to doze off, [Teacher’s name] calls to me. I had won [ordinal number] place in [Project Name]. All I remember saying as I walked to receive my award was: “Did you get the wrong guy? [Your Name] is a fairly common name.” All my friends congratulated me, and as we departed convention, I reminisced on the fun I had and realized I would have to come again next year. As I am [gerund] my OJCL page 22